Around the Web - 20170414
Brett M. Nelson - Friday, April 14, 2017
And now for somethings to read over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.
Star Wars Thrawn
This past week Star Wars Thrawn came out and while I haven't finished it I think you should go out and get a copy. Thrawn was originally introduced in 1991 in Heir to the Empire which was a great book so I have high hopes for this one. So far not been disappointed.
Lightning Components & AuraEnabled method parameters: What’s working and what’s not
Fabien Taillon has done some playing around with type and the Aura Framework and we get to benefit from it... well at least if we read his article we do.
Heres a "Kickass Library" to position tool-tips and popovers. It has no dependencies, is ES6 friendly and looks like it works with major front end frameworks. Could be fun :)
The 5 features of ES8 and a wishlist for ES9
Here's a look at some new JavaScript features that are already showing up in browsers so let's get to learning how to use them!
This fun site helps you learn CSS Grid by growing a garden. I haven't done it all yet but whatI did do was pretty fun.
PlatformIO is an open source ecosystem for IoT development yes, I copied that straight from their website. If you are playing around with IoT things this may be an interesting approach. After all, as the next article says IoT is going to kinda be a big deal.
IoT’s Market Projected to Grow From $16B (2016) to $195 Billion (2023)
It looks like IoT things are popping up everywhere and to a few analyst at some place, the number of IoT devices is going to keep growing exponentially.
Till Next Week
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