Around the Web - 20170616
Brett M. Nelson - Friday, June 16, 2017
And now for somethings to read over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.
JavaScript snippet for uploading files to Salesforce as ContentVersion and sharing to record as ContentDocumentLink via jsforce and jquery.
The "title" says it all. A gist for uploading files to Salesforce with jsforce. Thanks Doug Ayers!
Announcing TypeScript 2.4 RC
There's a Release Candidate for TypeScript 2.4! Always like new things! This one comes with Dynamic Import Expressions, Safer callback parameter checking, Weak types, String enums, and good will :)
The Problem With Heroes In Software Development
I'm sure you've never been apart of an organization with a Hero Software Developer so you can probably skip this one. Or you could read it and learn a little about crisis management and prevention. Your choice.
Using Filters in Vue.js
Over on CSS-Tricks Sarah Drasner has a nice little write up on creating and using filters.
Why I Chose React Over Vue
If you have had interest in comparing Vue.js to React here's one little comparison by some one from the React camp.
Wonder Woman
You should see it. Best DC movie since the Dark Knight trilogy.
Till Next Week
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