Around the Web – 20180420

Around the Web – 20180420

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, April 20, 2018

And now for somethings to read (or watch) over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.

Salesforce Developer Podcast: Episode 40 - The Grittier Gritty Re-reboot

Code Coverage – Apr 18 – Lo and behold, we recorded again. It's almost becoming a habit. Once again you're stuck with myself and Steven rabbiting on about all sorts, including: Using bookmarks in your browser (bleeding edge stuff here) Salesforce (some new cloud thing)...

Get Kerbal Space Program!

And some other games... whatever... Kerbal is great so get it.

The Extracurricular: "Why Did That Do That?" Managing Application State w/ SPAs

The Extracurricular: Salesforce, External Data, and Analytics Without Middleware

These talks are currently mislabeled but they are great. Check them out.

Getting Started with the Lightning Testing Service - Salesforce Developers Blog

Apr 17, 2:16 AM – As the number and complexity of your Lightning Components grows, so does the risk of defects when you write them, and of breaking changes when you refactor them. Automated testing allows you to mitigate those risks and verify that your components...

VueConf US: State of Vue

Vue Mastery – Pierre Schweiger – Mar 27 – Evan You is the creator of the Vue project. In his VueConf talk he covers the growth of Vue, recent project releases, the maturing eco-system, the Vue-Loader rewrite, Vue CLI 3, upcoming releases of Vue.js, and initiatives to improve the stability...

Till Next Week

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