Around the Web – 20190426

Around the Web – 20190426

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, April 26, 2019

And now for somethings to read (or watch) over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.

On My Last Ramen – Jeremy Ross – In this episode, we discuss communication skills and resumes, skyscrapers, and the Summer '19 release notes.

Advanced Apex Programming in Salesforce 4th Edition

Beyond the Salesforce documentation - Fourth edition

Advanced Apex Programming in Salesforce is neither a tutorial nor a book for beginners. Intended for developers who ...

Svelte 3: Rethinking reactivity – Apr 22 – After several months of being just days away, we are over the moon to announce the stable release of Svelte 3. This is a huge release representing hundreds of hours of work by many people in the Svelte community, including invaluable feedback from...

Svelte examples – result = svelte.compile(source, { generate: 'dom' 'ssr', dev: false, css: false, hydratable: false, customElement: false, immutable: false, legacy: false });...

Aspect Ratio Boxes

CSS-Tricks – Jun 8, 2017, 1:47 AM – I had a little situation the other day where I needed to make one of those aspect-ratio friendly boxes. This isn't particularly new stuff. I think the original credit goes as far back as 2009 and Thierry Koblentz's Intrinsic Ratios and maintained...

Introducing Node.js 12

Medium – Node.js Foundation – Apr 23, 9:01 AM – This blog was written by Bethany Griggs and Michael Dawson, with additional contributions from the Node.js Release Team and Technical Steering committee. We are excited to announce Node.js 12 today. Highlighted updates and features include faster...

New PrusaPrinters: The best 3D model database and Prusa community hangout is here!

Prusa Printers – Apr 23, 6:03 AM – It's now over four years since the launch of I wanted to have a place where I could share our own news, but also to have a nice home for the community to hang out. There was a forum on the old web, but we eventually shut it down...

Till Next Week

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