Around the Web – 20190621
Brett M. Nelson - Friday, June 21, 2019
And now for somethings to read (or watch) over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.
Google Chrome has become surveillance software. It's time to switch.
The Washington Post – Geoffrey Fowler – Jun 21, 5:00 AM – This was made possible by the Web's biggest snoop of all: Google. Seen from the inside, its Chrome browser looks a lot like surveillance software. Lately I've been investigating the secret life of my data, running experiments to see what technology...
Mumba Case for Nintendo Switch
Sometimes we let one or the kids use the Nintendo Switch away from the TV so to give us a little extra protection we are trying one of these cases out. So far so good but it can't be on while the Switch is docked.
Episode 428 | Zayne Turner - Joyful Perspectives
Developer On Fire – Dave Rael – Jun 17 – Zayne Turner talks with Dave Rael about art, technology, learning, perspectives, people, motivations, and joy Zayne Turner is a Principal Developer Evangelist with Salesforce. She focuses on helping developers gain the resources and skills they...
A JavaScript Crash Course from a Apex Dev's Point of View - Part 1 – Jun 17 – At TrailheaDX ‘19, I was fortunate enough to do a talk on learning JavaScript fundamentals from an Apex developer's point of view. This series covers the topics from that talk I've been a developer for about 8 years now and while most of...
Web components: the secret ingredient helping power the web – Jun 18 – Often, designers have to contend with many teams building their own versions of the design system components on top of React, Angular, and all the other frameworks, instead of having a single set of canonical components. If you're developing a...
Till Next Week
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