Around the Web – 20190830
Brett M. Nelson - Friday, August 30, 2019
And now for somethings to read (or watch) over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.
Stuffing JSON Everywhere
Good Day, Sir! Show – Jeremy Ross – In this episode, we discuss options for automating data extracts from Salesforce to a CSV file, the usage of JSON for configuration data, and part 2/2 of Jeremy's conversation with Shane McLaughlin.
Super Mario Odyssey
This has been a fun game to play with the kids and it gets dramatically more challenging with someone else controlling Cappy.
Play by Play: Sipping the Happy Soup - Untangle Production Orgs with Salesforce DX Unlocked Packages
Pluralsight – Jun 13 – In this course, you'll learn how to use Salesforce DX Unlocked Packages to overcome a major challenge of Org-based development - the infamous Metadata Happy Soup. See how to untangle unstructured metadata and convert it into a set of flexible and...
Dear Impostor Syndrome...
WP&UP – Aug 17, 5:35 AM – An honest, open and forthright letter written by me, to me, with the hope it will help you. We've known each other for a long time, and it's been a problematic relationship, these conversations are never easy. I want to be honest and open about how...
Native lazy loading is landed in Chrome
Yashints – Aug 25 – Lazy loading resources is one of the important parts of web performance tuning, simply because offscreen resources can add a lot of weight to your page if loaded eagerly. I've gone through many tips and tricks in my image optimisation article which...
What I Like About Eleventy – Over the last month so, I've been working with Dr. Julian Jones to port some design system projects from Jekyll over to Eleventy, the feral possum of static site generators. Why undertake a whole replatforming initiative? Well, there were two...
Till Next Week
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