Around the Web – 20190927
Brett M. Nelson - Friday, September 27, 2019
And now for somethings to read (or watch) over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.
Defrag the Hard Drives
Good Day, Sir! Show – Jeremy Ross – In this episode, we discuss Salesforce IDE tools and the developer console, CTRL - A Conditional Transformer Language Model, Apple's U1 chip, 2nd generation packaging, Salesforce's Manufacturing and Consumer Goods verticals, and issues with...
Static First: Pre-Generated JAMstack Sites with Serverless Rendering as a Fallback
CSS-Tricks – Sep 23, 7:15 AM – Easily manage projects with You might be seeing the term JAMstack popping up more and more frequently. I've been a fan of it as an approach for some time. One of the principles of JAMstack is that of pre-rendering. In other words, it...
Filtering Data Client-Side: Comparing CSS, jQuery, and React
CSS-Tricks – Sep 24, 12:43 PM – Easily manage projects with Say you have a list of 100 names: ...or file names, or phone numbers, or whatever. And you want to filter them client-side, meaning you aren't making a server-side request to search through data and return...
24. JSforce Open Source Project - SalesforceWay
Salesforce Way – Shinichi Tomita is the Founder & CEO of mashmatrix, Inc., the honorable creator of JSforce among many of his popular open-source repositories. What is JSforce, and what is the brief history (how/when/why did it start, how did it grow, etc)? How do...
Till Next Week
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