Around the Web – 20191129

Around the Web – 20191129

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, November 29, 2019

And now for somethings to read (or watch) over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.

Fireside – Jeremy Ross – November 26th, 2019 • 1 hr 25 mins • Download (58.5 MB) • Link with Timestamp In this episode, we discuss a few notable announcements from Dreamforce '19 and we hear from members of the community about what they enjoyed about...

Cropping Images to a specific Aspect Ratio with JavaScript

PQINA – Oct 31 – In this 3 minute tutorial we'll write a tiny JavaScript function that helps us crop images to various aspect ratios. Super useful for cropping photos posted to social media timelines or uploaded as profile pictures as these are often required to be...

The future is bright, because the future is static

CSS-Tricks – Nov 20, 1:27 PM – I've been doing this web thing for money for 10 years this year and although I haven't been around as long as some folks, I feel like I've seen a few cycles come and go now, so let's say that hot new things are often cynically viewed, initially.

Salesforce Evergreen - A Game Changer For Salesforce Developers

Cloud Galacticos – Nov 26, 7:59 AM – Last week was Salesforce's annual #Dreamforce conference in San Francisco, when over 100,000 Salesforce fans descend upon the city to listen to the latest innovations from Salesforce. I was unable to attend this year, but followed along closely at...

How Do You Remove Unused CSS From a Site?

CSS-Tricks – Nov 19, 7:24 AM – Easily manage projects with Here's what I'd like you to know upfront: this is a hard problem. If you've landed here because you're hoping to be pointed at a tool you can run that tells you exactly what CSS you can delete from your...

Till Next Week

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