Around the Web – 20200103

Around the Web – 20200103

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, January 3, 2020

And now for somethings to read (or watch) over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.

Post 6 - Building Your First Lightning Web Component for Salesforce Series

Sara Has No Limits – Sara Morgan – Jan 2, 11:37 AM – This will be the sixth of a series of posts I will be doing over the next few weeks. They will all lead up to the introduction of my new course in December 2019 titled, “Building Your First Lightning Web Component for Salesforce” from...

And now, a brief definition of the web

The Verge – Dieter Bohn – May 24, 2017, 8:01 AM – What exactly is the web? It seems like a stupid question because we all know the answer: the web is the thing Tim Berners-Lee invented in 1989. It's not the same thing as 'the internet,' which is what we use to access the web, apps, and streaming...

A Recap of Frontend Development in 2019

CSS-Tricks – Dec 31, 2019, 6:55 PM – Rollout: Powerful Feature Flag Management I noted Trey Huffine's 2018 version of this article in The Great Divide. To put a point on this divide a bit more, consider this article by Trey Huffine, 'A Recap of Frontend Development in 2018.' It's very...

A Use Case for a Parent Selector

CSS-Tricks – Dec 31, 2019, 9:06 AM – Easily manage projects with Having a 'parent selector' in CSS is mentioned regularly as something CSS could really use. I feel like I've had that thought plenty of times myself, but then when I ask my brain for a use case, I find it hard...

Till Next Week

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