Around the Web – 20200124

Around the Web – 20200124

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, January 24, 2020

And now for somethings to read (or watch) over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.

Good Day, Sir! Show, a Salesforce Podcast: The DMV of Salesforce

Fireside – Jeremy Ross – January 22nd, 2020 • 57 mins 52 secs • Download (39.7 MB) • Link with Timestamp In this episode, we discuss working with multiple packages, WeWork, upstarts targeting companies like Salesforce and Oracle, and lightning...

Apex Describe calls: What you need to know · Chris Peterson – Jan 21 – You may have noticed that as the schema of Salesforce has continued to expand that the Apex SObject describe API layer has also been getting more complex to use in performant and scalable ways. In this post I'm hoping to share some tips on best...

Searching the JAMStack

Raymond Camden explores some options for adding site search functionality to a JAMStack site. Congratulations. You've successfully gotten someone to visit your web site. Unfortunately, they aren't able to find what they need and promptly leave your...

Using Salesforce DX with GitHub Actions - Salesforce Developers Blog – Jan 22, 8:00 AM – GitHub Actions are one of the new cool kids in town. They are deeply embedded into the GitHub experience and aim to help you automating and simplifying your common tasks around your GitHub repositories. In this blog post we cover GitHub Actions:...

What's the Difference Between Width/Height in CSS and Width/Height HTML attributes?

CSS-Tricks – Jan 24, 8:03 AM – Rollout: Powerful Feature Flag Management Some HTML elements accept width and height as attributes. Some do not. For example: Those attributes are sometimes referred to as presentational attributes. The thing to know about them is that they are...

Till Next Week

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