Around the Web – 20200228

Around the Web – 20200228

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, February 28, 2020

And now for somethings to read (or watch) over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.

Good Day, Sir! Show, a Salesforce Podcast: Sprinkling in Little Nuggets

Fireside – Jeremy Ross – February 28th, 2020 • 57 mins 45 secs • Download (39.7 MB) • Link with Timestamp In this episode, we discuss Keith Block's departure from Salesforce, Coronavirus concerns, ClearView's facial recognition data leak, Einstein NER... release notes

Illuminated Cloud – Issue 975 - Apex class/instance scope agreement enhancements: Apex code completions are now filtered based on class vs. instance scope according to the point of insertion. Instance methods, fields, and properties are not accessible from...

Everything New You Might Have Missed from Salesforce Developer Tooling - Salesforce Developers Blog – Feb 26, 4:00 PM – We have been hard at work adding new features and improving Salesforce Developer tools. For those of you who don't read our weekly release notes, we wanted to give you an update on all the great stuff we have delivered recently. The CLI team has...

Comparing Callbacks, Promises and Async Await in TypeScript – Feb 23, 9:06 AM – How do callbacks, promises and async/await compare to each other? This article shows the same scenario using each of these three techniques so you can see the differences and choose which appeals most to you. The code uses TypeScript, but can...

Build a Single Page Application (SPA) Site With Vanilla.js

Developer for Life – Jeremy Likness – Feb 26 – Modern JavaScript frameworks exist to address deficiencies in the capabilities provided out of the box by HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, and WebAssembly. The latest stable version of JavaScript (ECMAScript 2015) evolved significantly compared to earlier...

Till Next Week

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