Around the Web – 20200424

Around the Web – 20200424

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, April 24, 2020

And now for somethings to read (or watch) over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.

Node.js version 14 available now

Medium – Node.js – Apr 21, 8:01 AM – This blog was written by Michael Dawson and Bethany Griggs, with additional contributions from the Node.js Community Committee and the Node.js Technical Steering Committee. We're excited to announce that Node.js 14 was released today! The...

Reflecting on a full year dedicated to Illuminated Cloud

Illuminated Cloud – 'A year has passed since I wrote my note...' The Police, 'Message in a Bottle' Hopefully needless to say, the passage of time these days is...odd. It's often difficult to remember what day of the week it is, much less the actual date. Late...

Limitations of LWC

JitendraZaa – Jitendra Zaa – Apr 22, 1:47 PM – Almost all of us started using LWC instead of Aura or Visualforce however there are multiple occasion where we need to come back to either Aura or Visualforce. I was not able to find single consolidated list of limitations of LWC and therefore...

Home Automation with Salesforce1 and Arduino – Boris Bachovski – Oct 14, 2014 – It's time to crack open this blog with a post dedicated to my first home automation mini-project - opening and closing my garage doors by replacing the original RF (Radio Frequency) remote control with my mobile phone. For this I've decided to use...

How to Build Progressive Web Apps with Offline Support using Lightning Web Components - Salesforce Developers Blog – Apr 22, 8:00 AM – In this blog post, I'll guide you through an existing Progressive Web App (PWA) hosted online, and show you how it uses caching, works offline, and can be installed on your desktop. I'll then walk you through the simple steps to create your own PWA...

Till Next Week

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