Around the Web – 20200501
Brett M. Nelson - Friday, May 1, 2020
And now for somethings to read (or watch) over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.
Visual Studio Code 1.0 Release
Visual Studio – Apr 14, 2016 – April 14, 2016 by The VS Code Team, @code Today we're very proud to release version 1.0 of Visual Studio Code. Since our initial launch one year ago, 2 million developers have installed VS Code. Today, we're excited to report that more than 500,000...
Prettier 2.0 '2020' · Prettier
Prettier · Opinionated Code Formatter – Mar 21 – Better defaults, a better CLI and better heuristics. Oh, and TypeScript 3.8. Previously, any method call chain of length three or longer would be automatically broken into multiple lines. The new heuristic is based on the complexity of the call...
Using ESLint and Prettier in a TypeScript Project – Feb 10, 2019 – When it comes to linting TypeScript code, there are two major linting options to choose from: TSLint and ESLint. TSLint is a linter than can only be used for TypeScript, while ESLint supports both JavaScript and TypeScript. In the TypeScript 2019...
ICANN Board Withholds Consent for a Change of Control of the Public Interest Registry (PIR)
ICANN – Apr 30 – Today, the ICANN Board made the decision to reject the proposed change of control and entity conversion request that Public Interest Registry (PIR) submitted to ICANN. After completing extensive due diligence, the ICANN Board finds that withholding...
Introducing Netlify Build Plugins
Netlify – Extend the functionality of Netlify builds with a programmable interface that hooks into different phases of the build lifecycle to suit your needs. Bring your favorite tools and ideas. Once we expand to public beta and general availability, you'll...
Introducing Insomnia Designer
Insomnia REST Client – Apr 28 – TL;DR: Insomnia Designer a new open-source desktop application that provides a modern workflow for teams to design and collaborate on APIs. If you're a software developer, there's a good chance you interact with APIs almost every day. Since 2015...
Till Next Week
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