Around the Web – 20200508

Around the Web – 20200508

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, May 8, 2020

And now for somethings to read (or watch) over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.

Introducing Automation Components - Salesforce Developers Blog – May 7, 4:00 AM – Today is a special day, one in which we partner with Salesforce Administrators more than ever. We're hosting our first Low Code virtual event and announcing the launch of Automation Components, our latest addition to the Sample Gallery. Automation...

LEGO Marvel Avengers

We've been playing some Lego Avengers lately, maybe not the best Lego game as the kids don't know the movies it's based on but they do enjoy turning Ant-man into a giant.

Working with GitHub Issues in Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio – Apr 14, 2016 – May 6, 2020 by Alex Ross, @alexr00 On the Visual Studio Code team, we use GitHub issues to track all of our work. From our detailed iteration plans to individual bugs, we track everything as GitHub issues. Given how important issues are to our team...

Visual Studio Code April 2020

Visual Studio – Apr 14, 2016 – Downloads: Windows: User System | Mac | Linux: snap deb rpm tarball Welcome to the April 2020 release of Visual Studio Code. There are a number of updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include: Accessibility...

Introducing Netlify Build Plugins

Netlify – Extend the functionality of Netlify builds with a programmable interface that hooks into different phases of the build lifecycle to suit your needs. Bring your favorite tools and ideas. Once we expand to public beta and general availability, you'll...

Dreamforce 2020 Will Be Virtual - Phil's Tip of the Week #398

Cloud Galacticos – May 8, 1:00 AM – Late last week, Salesforce confirmed that for the remainder of 2020, all of their events including Dreamforce 2020 will be virtual. Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this is not surprising. Salesforce held their Sydney World Tour as a virtual...

How to Fix ESLint Errors Upon Save in VS Code

David Walsh Blog – David Walsh – May 5, 8:05 PM – I have a bit of an obsession with uploading photos to different services thanks to Instagram. Instagram's iPhone app allows me to take photos and quickly filter them; once photo tinkering is complete, I can upload the photo to Instagram, Twitter...

Till Next Week

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