Around the Web - 20200904

Around the Web - 20200904

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, September 4, 2020

And now for somethings to read (or watch) over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.

npm v7 Series - Introduction

npm, Inc. Status – Quite a lot has happened in npm since our last update way back in 2019. We're overdue for a status update on npm v7. Despite some massive distracting changes (some unfortunate, some very fortunate), development work has been proceeding steadily.

15 Lightning Web Components by Salesforce Labs to Explore

AppExchange and the Salesforce Ecosystem – Sharon Klardie – Aug 27, 7:01 AM – This past spring, we challenged employees to test their innovation by building Lightning web components to solve a wide variety of business cases. That's because Salesforce Labs helps employees to bring their creations to life on the AppExchange.

Playground - An online editor for exploring TypeScript and JavaScript

TypeScript – LangWhich language should be used in the editor…

Announcing a Remotely Interesting Podcast

Netlify – Sep 1 – That's right, the team at Netlify has started a new podcast and we're overly excited to share it with you today. Remotely Interesting is a program covering the Jamstack, its ecosystem, surrounding technologies, and the goings-on of the community…

State of Jamstack 2020: Data Deep Dive

CSS-Tricks – Sep 3, 7:46 AM – The Jamstack, a modern approach to building websites and apps, delivers better performance, higher security, lower cost of scaling, and a better developer experience. But how popular is it among developers worldwide, and what do they love and hate…

Till Next Week

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