Around the Web - 20201009

Around the Web - 20201009

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, October 9, 2020

And now for somethings to read (or watch) over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.

Trailspotting Funny Salesforce Tshirt - shirtforce – Choose Salesforce. Choose a job. Choose a trail. Choose a cloud. Choose a bloomin' great t-shirt, Choose process builders, flows, dynamic forms, and permission set groups. Choose good partners, low Choose community plus licenses. Choose a new…

Cheating Entropy with Native Web Technologies

Jim Nielsen's Blog – Oct 8, 12:00 PM – 90% of my computer usage is updating computers. – Paul Ford, Postlight Podcast I have a number of old side projects which I occasionally have to revisit. The structure of these projects broadly falls under two categories: Ones I built with a…

The Widening Responsibility for Front-End Developers

CSS-Tricks – Oct 7, 7:48 AM – This is an extended version of my essay “When front-end means full-stack” which was published in the wonderful Increment magazine put out by Stripe. It's also something of an evolution of a couple other of my essays, “The Great…

Web Components Standards

My Salesforce adventure – albarivas – Oct 7, 1:18 AM – After some time working with LWC, I've realised how enlightening is to understand what web components standards are about, how you build web components in vanilla JavaScript (plain JavaScript), and what LWC does for you, to help you create web…

Heroku Streaming Data Connectors Are Now Generally Available

Heroku – Oct 8, 8:06 AM – This summer, we announced the beta release of our new streaming data connectors between Heroku Postgres and Apache Kafka on Heroku. These connectors make Change Data Capture (CDC) possible on Heroku with minimal effort. Anyone with a Private or…

Till Next Week

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