Around the Web – 201708118

Around the Web – 201708118

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, August 18, 2017

And now for somethings to read over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.

Winter is coming! (To Lightning!) - Developer Relations

You know what they say — time flies when you're having fun! And we've been having a lot of fun since Lightning Experience launched two short years ago. This blog post covers several enhancements in the Winter '18 release which might affect...

Get Started with Salesforce DX! | Salesforce Developers

VP, Product Management, Salesforce Salesforce DX is the modern way to manage and develop Salesforce apps across the entire lifecycle, and helps teams build together and deliver continuously. Whether you're an individual developer or working as part...

Visual Studio Code July 2017

Welcome to the July 2017 release of Visual Studio Code. There are a number of significant updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include: Large file support - Improved performance for large files, no size...

Why you should work remotely

My last job was as a data scientist at Upworthy, which is a 100% remote company. Prior to starting the position I was worried about whether I could be happy and productive on a remote team. I wondered how project planning would work, whether it...

Lightning Best Practice: Adding Pagination to Lists

What happens to a Lightning Component that displays a list of data without pagination? It is probably doomed to suffer from performance problems and who wants to build a component that is doomed? Certainly not you, right? It's possible that...

Modern Application Development with Salesforce DX and AutoRABIT - Developer Relations

Modern Application Development (MAD) is driven at its core by an integrated technology stack, DevOps enabled framework, and a cloud-and mobile-ready infrastructure. This blog post reviews MAD flows, and how AutoRABIT can help you quickly develop...

Announcing .NET Core 2.0

.NET Core 2.0 is available today as a final release. You can start developing with it at the command line, in your favorite text editor, in Visual Studio 2017 15.3, Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio for Mac. It is ready for production workloads...

Summer '17: Lightning Updates

The Summer '17 release opens up new possibilities for Salesforce development. In this webinar, we'll fire up the Developer Console and dive into topics including Lightning Data Service and standard overrides. As we love to live dangerously, we'll...

An In-Depth Look at Lightning Component Events - Developer Relations

This post presents the specificities of Lightning component events (in opposition to application events). This event type is the most commonly used in the Lightning Component framework; yet, it's also the most complex. Few Lightning developers know...

Winter '18 Prerelease

Winter ’18 Pre-Release (for Partners). Register today for early access to the brand-new features. Sign up, and we’ll send login information for your new Winter ’18 trial account.

Till Next Week

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