Around the Web – 20170901

Around the Web – 20170901

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, September 1, 2017

And now for somethings to read over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.

Cars 3

While taking time off last week we took the kids to see Cars 3.  Yeah, a little late maybe but the kids loved it.  As an added bonus, the 3 year old figured out that Lightning McQueen is not the same car a Blaze.

Aurelia CLI Webpack Update!

Today, I'm thrilled to announce that we've added support for Webpack 3 to the Aurelia CLI. With this addition, the CLI supports project generation equally for Webpack, SystemJS and RequireJS. Thanks to the hard work of core team member Jeroen Vinke...

An In-Depth Look at Lightning Component Events - Developer Relations

This post presents the specificities of Lightning component events (in opposition to application events). This event type is the most commonly used in the Lightning Component framework; yet, it's also the most complex. Few Lightning developers know...

Salesforce Winter '18 Release Notes

Our release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of enhancements and new features. We include setup information, tips to help you get started, and best practices to ensure your continued success. How and When Do Features Become Available?


AI is taking the world by a storm. Its presence is being felt in almost all the sectors. Salesforce isn't behind in this race! The gift that last Dreamforce(Oh! Wait this year's is almost at our door steps.) gave us was Einstein –...

ASP.NET Core 2.0 Features

Last week we announced the release of ASP.NET Core 2.0 and described some top new features, including Razor Pages, new and updated templates, and Application Insights integration. In this blog post we are going to dig into more details of features...

DARPA project aims to make modular computers out of 'chiplets'

The Defense Department's research arm has officially kicked off its effort to create a modular computing framework, with pieces pulled from a mix-‘n-match set of “chiplets.” Producing something this weird will take a village...

10 JavaScript concepts you need to know for interviews

There are thousands of people learning JavaScript and web development in the hopes of getting a job. Often, self-learning leaves gaps in people's understanding of the JavaScript language itself. It's actually surprising how little of the language...

Introducing Custom Metadata Services

When you have more complex custom metadata needs or multiple custom metadata types, the UI requirements for users to manage records may also need to be more sophisticated. For example if you wish to build a setup wizard or type of visual editor.

Till Next Week

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