Around the Web – 20180126

Around the Web – 20180126

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, January 26, 2018

And now for somethings to read over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is.

161: Playing the Field

In this episode, we discuss Marc Benioff's comments on regulating social media companies at Davos, the recent service disruption, Trailhead resumes, Spring '18 release notes, Microsoft's cross-platform Powershell, and unit testing.

Code Coverage

Code Coverage has a new episode this week but their website isn't up to date.  Check them out on itunes, stitcher, or the rss feed.

The Humble Book Bundle: Sous Geek Cookbooks

Bienvenue Chez Geek. We've cooked up a fresh new bundle for you, and this time, it's dinnertime. Inspire your inner nerdy chef with books like the Hamilton Cookbook or The Astronaut's Cookbook; whip up some new recipes from titles like...

Building a PWA with Stencil: An Introduction to Stencil

The end result of this article series is going to be Progressive Web Application built with the Stencil web component compiler. However, I think we need to talk about a few things before we get there. Given a lot of the recent developments, I want...

How To Design Or Build Angular Apps

If you need to quickly build an app for all major mobile platforms (Android, iOS and Windows Phone), having one codebase may be the fastest way to do it, and Ionic is perfect for such a scenario. Updating the app, or rolling out updates is just as...

Till Next Week

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