Aurelia and ASP.NET 5 - Routing, Views, and Navigation, Oh My - Part 2

Aurelia and ASP.NET 5 - Routing, Views, and Navigation, Oh My - Part 2

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, November 20, 2015

In Aurelia and ASP.NET 5 - Routing, Views, and Navigation, Oh My we added a new route to our application and the viewmodel and addition class we would need for our new view. Now lets add the required html.

Now We Need A View

Lets add an html file called comments.html to our app folder so we can have a matching view. Here we are going to put our <template> for the comments and it will look something like this:


If you have used Bootstrap before most of this should be familiar to you but I have annotated a few spots with a <!--Note: ####--> that should match up with one of the following explanations:

I added deleteComment(comment) method to the comments.js class we discussed last time. It looks like this:

    for(let i = 0, m = this.comments.length; i < m; i++ ){
        if(this.comments[i].name === && this.comments[i].message === comment.message){
            this.comments.splice(i, 1);

Now if we run our app and go to our new view at `/index.html#/comments`, in my case that means `http://localhost:8339/index.html#/comments`, and we should see our little form with two text boxes and two buttons. Why not try and add a few comments.

##### Comments in Action

![Comments in Action Animation](images/00-comment2.gif)

Now that we have that working maybe we should do something about that navigation issue.

When last we looked at our `app.html` it looked a little sparse.

##### Original `app.html`


So we will need to build this out some so that we are generating our navigation menu based on routes provided when we mapped routes in our app.js. In our app.js we also stored a reference to our router so we could use it later. Well now is later so lets get to modifying our app.html.

  <nav class="navbar">
    <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
        repeat.for="row of router.navigation"
        class="${row.isActive ? 'active' : ''}"
        <!--Note: One-->
        <a href.bind="row.href">${row.title}</a
        ><!--Note: Two-->

Now when we run our app we should have a navigation menu at the top of the screen we can use instead of having to enter in the view we want to visit manually.

Navigation Demo

And with that we have a very simple Single Page Application that uses Aurelia. I hope this helps you get started. If you have any questions though feel free to leave a comment or send an email to [email protected] and I'll see how I can help.
