Aurelia and ASP.NET 5 - Understanding the Aurelia Parts - The Basics

Aurelia and ASP.NET 5 - Understanding the Aurelia Parts - The Basics

Brett M. Nelson - Monday, July 27, 2015

Last time, Getting Started with Aurelia and ASP.NET 5, we set up an ASP.NET 5 project with Aurelia. We sort of glossed over what we did with Aurelia so I thought we could go back, take a look at it and get a better understanding of it.

Lets get started by looking at the scripts we referenced.

Look At My Head Again
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  http://jspm_packages/system.js http://config.js

The file jspm_packages/system.js loads SystemJS on the page. If you are not familiar with SystemJS it is dynamic module loader. The config.js loads the configuration settings for SystemJS. A lot of the options in the config.js were determined for us when we ran jspm init and answered those few questions. The System.import('aurelia-bootstrapper'); tells SystemJS to load the aurelia-bootstrapper that is specified in the config.js.

We also specified some markup on our index page.


The aurelia-app attribute tells Aurelia where the base of the Aurelia app is located in the hierarchy of your html. This is the location that the aurelia-bootstrapper will inject the app.html and app.js after they have been data-binded together.

Our app.js contained a configureRouter that we passed in a config and a router.

export class App {
  configureRouter(config, router) {
    config.title = 'Aurelia-Setup';[
        route: ['', 'main'],
        name: 'main',
        moduleId: './main',
        nav: true,
        title: 'Main Page',

    this.router = router;

On the config we set the title, this is optional, and configured the one route we currently have. Each route requires a route, the url pattern that must be matched, and a moduleId, the relative path to the module id that is to be used for that route. Additional route properties include name, that can be used to generate a link to the route, a title, that can be used to generate the documents title, nav, that specifies if the route should be included in the navigation model, and a href that could be used the bind in the navigation model.

In the app.html file you may have noticed a few thing. First it's not a full html file as it has a root element of template and second we only added a router-view element to it.


The template element is a W3 spec used to declare fragments of html that may be loaded/inserted after page load. The router-view is where the router will inject the currently active view based on the url path and configuration.

But There is Still Nothing to Look At

The last pair of things we added were the main.js and main.html.

export class Main {
  message = 'Hello';

We kept things simple in main.js as it is just a JavaScript class that has one property, message that is set to "Hello". Granted it's a ECMAScript 6 class so it may seem a little different from what you have seen in JavaScript in the past.

  <h1>main page</h1>

In main.js we see it's a template again but contains some standard html stuff that we see everyday but what's the ${message}? That is Aurelia's databinding syntax in html. The ${} is similar to ES6 template strings placeholders so JavaScript developers can feel/get comfortable with it notion of replacing those with the properties of the same name. In this case the message property we set on the main.js class and why we see "Hello" when we run the app.


With this better understanding of what we did last time we can move forward with making a more complex application with Aurelia and ASP.NET 5.
