Intro to TypeScript 1.5 - Creating a Library to Share

Intro to TypeScript 1.5 - Creating a Library to Share

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, September 4, 2015


This is the thirteenth post in a series on getting to know TypeScript. If you missed the few posts feel free to go back and read them.

  1. Intro to TypeScript 1.5 beta - Types
  2. Intro to TypeScript 1.5 beta - Interfaces
  3. Intro to TypeScript 1.5 beta - Functions Part 1
  4. Intro to TypeScript 1.5 beta - Functions Part 2
  5. Intro to TypeScript 1.5 beta - Functions Part 3
  6. Intro to TypeScript 1.5 beta - Classes Part 1
  7. Intro to TypeScript 1.5 beta - Classes Part 2
  8. Intro to TypeScript 1.5 beta - Intro to Modules
  9. Intro to TypeScript 1.5 - External Modules
  10. Intro to TypeScript 1.5 - Modules Remainders
  11. Intro to TypeScript 1.5 - Module Output Formats
  12. Intro to TypeScript 1.5 - Mixins

If you have been reading along so far you may be thinking, "Ok, now I can write TypeScript but what if I want to reuse my code in different projects?" and I got to say, that is a great question. If you decided to compose a JavaScript Library in TypeScript it would be possible to output a single JavaScript file and a definition file without using any extra tools.

A sample project with the example code used can be found on GitHub at BrettMN/Sample-JavaScript-Library

When creating a large JavaScript Library splitting your code between multiple files makes sense. Using namespaces to organize your code into a logical structure allows you to output your code into one file if you add out with the target files path and name to your compilerOptions in your tsconfig.json

The TypeScript Wiki article on the compiler options says that out is deprecated and to use outfile instead but as of the time of this writing outfile isn't working for me. So I used out. If you are using the command line the compiler options flag is --out If you have been using TypeScript awhile and are unfamiliar with the tsconfig.json file it might be because support for it was added in TypeScript 1.5

Since I want to make things easier for anyone, including myself, to consume the library later I also include the declaration option with the value of true.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "amd",
    "noEmitOnError": false,
    "noImplicitAny": false,
    "removeComments": false,
    "sourceMap": true,
    "target": "es5",
    "declaration": true,
    "outfile": "output/helper.js"

Now for demo purposes in my Helper "library" I created three source files an input, output and setup.

With the options we set in the tsconfig.json the output should go to our output folder and create three files: helper.js, helper.d.ts, and helper.ts. We can copy these to out sample site libs folder for use with out super cool website.

Setting Up The Site

To use our new super awesome JavaScript library I created an index.html, a js folder for our app 'code' and we have the libs folder we already copied our library to.

Our index.html is pretty simple with 2 script references, one for our app and one for out library, a text input and a paragraph element.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <input type="text" id="input" value="start" />
    <p id="output">starting text</p>

Then in out js folder we add a app.ts file and do the setup for the library.

/// <reference path="../libs/helper" />
new Helper.Setup('input', 'output');

This is just creating a new Helper.Setup with the ids of our input and paragraph element.

Now Watch the Magic

At this point if you run the page you can see that our library is doing it's job.

Working Sample

If you want to see the code behind this example remember to check it out on GitHub at BrettMN/Sample-JavaScript-Library

Some things to consider. This is just a simple example of how this could be done. If I was going to seriously consider creating a library I would also want to include testing and probably have the un-minified version available with comments for people who don't necessarily want to use TypeScript. That being said I would probably use a task runner like Gulp to actually do the building of the library since tests could be ran and multiple outputs could be created.
