Midwest Dreamin' 2017
Brett M. Nelson - Thursday, June 1, 2017
Hello Again! What have you been up to? I thought I would stop for a moment and let you know I will be taking a bit of a trip over to Chicago Illinois for Midwest Dreamin' August 10th and 11th!
I think they are updating the site to include the talks next week but I have seen a couple people on Twiter mention they are tlaking
- Roger Mitchell blog @ Medium.com/@rogermitchell
- Carla Llewellyn mentioned a talk titled "Take Your Admin Skills to the Next Level - Intro to the Dev Console"
- Joseph Fiega and Mike Martin have mentioned talking about earn about value propositions and implementation strategies for Lightning Experience
We will have to wait till the schedule is posted on the site to find out the rest
Shameless Self Promotion Time
Besides going to see these other awesome speakers the great folks arranging the event have chosen a talk by none other than yours truly. Titled Salesforce Mobile Sdk and Ionic we will take a look at the challenges of getting started using the Salesforce Mobile Sdk with the Ionic Framework!
As of the time of this writing there are still some early bird tickets left or there were a couple of days ago. So go register!
That is All
If you are going to be there what are you interested in seeing? Drop me a note at [email protected] or by leaving a comment below.