Quick Look @ Angular Part V - Add New Component

Quick Look @ Angular Part V - Add New Component

Brett M. Nelson - Wednesday, March 1, 2017

If you've been following along you have created a simple app, added a component, added a service and updated your Angular-CLI. Now that we can show our list of tasks from the service, lets create a component to add new tasks.

Create NewTaskComponent

ng g component new-task

And lets add it to our src/app/app.component.html:

app.component.html Updated

Quick Look @ Angular Part V - Add New Component

We can now see it was added if we look back in the browser:

default <app-new-task>


This of course isn't that interesting so lets update our new-task.component.html to accept a title and a description:

Updated new-task.component.html

Of course this wont do anythign without updating the new-task.component.ts

Not Adding a New Task

Not Adding a New Task

Updated new-task.component.ts

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { Task } from '../models/task';

@Component({ selector: 'app-new-task', templateUrl: './new-task.component.html', styleUrls: ['./new-task.component.css'] }) export class NewTaskComponent implements OnInit {

newTask: Task;

constructor() { }

ngOnInit() { this.newTask = new Task(); } }

This makes a little form to add a new task but doesn't actually function yet.

Update TaskService

First thing we should do is update TaskService so it can accept a new task to add to the collection of tasks and make any service calls that are needed.

Add to src/app/services/tast.service.ts

addTask(newTask: Task) {

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log('pretend we called a service with our new task here') this.tasks.push(newTask);


}); }

Now we can call this from our NewTaskComponent.

Update NewTaskComponent

Lets add a method to src/app/new-task.component.ts called addTask. This addTask method will call the TaskService so we will need to have access to it. To get that access we will need to import the TaskService and pass it into the constructor.

new-task.component.ts Updated

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { Task } from '../models/task';
import { TaskService } from '../services/task.service'; // <= This is new

@Component({ selector: 'app-new-task', templateUrl: './new-task.component.html', styleUrls: ['./new-task.component.css'] }) export class NewTaskComponent implements OnInit {

newTask: Task;

constructor(private _taskService: TaskService) { } // <= This is updated

ngOnInit() { this.newTask = new Task(); }

addTask(){ // <= This is new this._taskService.addTask(this.newTask) // <= This is new .then(results =>{ // <= This is new this.newTask = new Task(); // <= This is new }); // <= This is new } // <= This is new


Now we should be able to add a new task:

Adding New Tasks

Adding New Tasks

Looks like a success!

You may notice that there is data validation, we are not currently checking if a task has a title or maybe a description. We could add that but since this is just a sample app I'm going to put it off for meow.


Code can be found at Github/BrettMN/quick-look

Moor the Tasks

We can now add new tasks from inside our little Angular app. How do you think it is shaping up so far? Let me know by leaving a comment below or emailing [email protected].
