Saleforce Mobile SDK and Ionic – Create Contacts Page
Brett M. Nelson - Tuesday, July 11, 2017
We now have a working app that can get data from Salesforce! Let's start customizing it to suit our needs. In this case that means we will load up a list of Contacts. Since Contacts seems like it should be it's own thing let's start by adding a new page just for our Contacts.
Create Page
The Ionic CLI provides us with a way to add, or generate, new portions of our app. This frees us from worrying if we copied and pasted it correctly or gasp remember the proper structure to type it out by hand.
Since I like repeatable and consistency over artisan handcrafted I will use the Ionic CLI's generate
command. The structure of the command is pretty simple ionic generate <type> <name>
. It can be used without specifying the type
or the name
if done this way you will be prompted to select the type
and provide the name
. Types that can be generated are: component
, directive
, page
, pipe
, provider
, tabs.
Since we know we want to create a Contacts page lets just cut to the chase with ionic generate page contacts
ionic generate page contacts
PS D:\Workspace\Blog\salesforce\ionic\ionicContacts> ionic generate page contacts [OK] Generated a page named contacts! PS D:\Workspace\Blog\salesforce\ionic\ionicContacts>
Now if we load the all back up we wont see our new page on the menu. Lets fix that.
Add Page to Menu
Open up your src/app/app.component.ts
and look for lines 6
and 7
. The components for home
and list
are being imported here. We will need to do the same with our contacts
component on line 8.
Updated Component Imports
import { HomePage } from '../pages/home/home'; import { ListPage } from '../pages/list/list'; import { ContactsPage } from '../pages/contacts/contacts';
With that imported we will need add it to the pages array that is at lines 24
- 27
Updated Pages Array
this.pages = [ { title: 'Home', component: HomePage }, { title: 'List', component: ListPage }, { title: 'Contacts', component: ContactsPage } ];
Now let's reload our app and see if we get our Contacts page as a menu option.
If you were to use the Contacts
menu item you would get an error about not having a entryComponent
defined. I didn't get a screen shot of it but let's deal with it anyway,
Open up your src/app/app.module.ts
and add an import statement for our Contacts
component on line 8
like we did on the src/app/app.component.ts
. We will then add this to the declarations
array at line 18
and the entryComponents
array at line 29
Updated app.module.ts
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { ErrorHandler, NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { IonicApp, IonicErrorHandler, IonicModule } from 'ionic-angular';
import { MyApp } from './app.component'; import { HomePage } from '../pages/home/home'; import { ListPage } from '../pages/list/list'; import { ContactsPage } from '../pages/contacts/contacts';
import { StatusBar } from '@ionic-native/status-bar'; import { SplashScreen } from '@ionic-native/splash-screen';
@NgModule({ declarations: [ MyApp, HomePage, ListPage, ContactsPage ], imports: [ BrowserModule, IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp), ], bootstrap: [IonicApp], entryComponents: [ MyApp, HomePage, ListPage, ContactsPage ], providers: [ StatusBar, SplashScreen, {provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: IonicErrorHandler} ] }) export class AppModule {}
Now if we run the app things should go a little more smoothly.
Contacts Page In Action
We now have a page to start adding our Contacts content to and it even loads!
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