Salesforce DX - Jenkins - Jenkinsfile Revisited

Salesforce DX - Jenkins - Jenkinsfile Revisited

Salesforce DX - Jenkins - Jenkinsfile Revisited

Brett M. Nelson - Thursday, June 22, 2017

So far we have Jenkins setup to run and configured for our repository from Salesforce DX – Setup Jenkins, added a Jenkinsfile to get a the pipeline to run in Salesforce DX – Setup Jenkins – Jenkinsfile, and configured our environment variables in Salesforce DX – Jenkins – Environment Variables.  So things should build and if you are using a *nix machine they might be.  Since I'm on Windows it's not going that smoothly.  Let's look at why.

Jenkinsfile Issues

When we setup the Jenkinsfile we used the example at forcedotcom/sfdx-dreamhouse to base it on, and by base it on I mean copy.  I didn't realize this at the time but the pipeline environment for Jenkins is not isolated from the host machine meaning, if you are using a *nix machine the pipeline is executed in a shell (bash, zsh, csh, whathav eyoush) and if you are on a Windows machine it uses the cmd.exe.

Why does that matter?

Good questions.  The Windows cmd.exe doesn't have the same commands as a *nix shell.  All the shell specific commands in the Jenkinsfile don't work in cmd.exe.

Let's fix the Jenkinsfile to work on Windows.

If you are using a *nix machine feel free to keep the Jenkinsfile they way it came :)

Update Jenkinsfile

The main things we need to change is all the sh commands to bat and the way we access the Salesforce DX command line tools.  Since the default install location on Windows (some where in the Program Files) causes issues because of the space in the path so we will need a work around for that.

For accessing sfdx we can address it in a couple of different ways.

Since we used C:\Program Files\sfdx\bin as the path to the cli we can add quotes around the call to sfdx by escaping them with backslashes \" so line 24:

rc = sh returnStatus: true, script: "${toolbelt}/sfdx force:auth:jwt:grant --clientid ${CONNECTED_APP_CONSUMER_KEY} --username ${HUB_ORG} --jwtkeyfile ${jwt_key_file} --setdefaultdevhubusername"

would be updated to:

rc = sh returnStatus: true, script: "\"${toolbelt}/sfdx\" force:auth:jwt:grant --clientid ${CONNECTED_APP_CONSUMER_KEY} --username ${HUB_ORG} --jwtkeyfile ${jwt_key_file} --setdefaultdevhubusername"

This is a little verbose those and probably more prone to errors than I would prefer.

Another way to address this would be to change our  toolkit custom tool path to "C:\Program Files\sfdx\bin\sfdx" and use ${toolkit} all by it's self.

rc = sh returnStatus: true, script: "${toolbelt} force:auth:jwt:grant --clientid ${CONNECTED_APP_CONSUMER_KEY} --username ${HUB_ORG} --jwtkeyfile ${jwt_key_file} --setdefaultdevhubusername"

I will be doing this so I have less to type.  And less typing means less chance for errors.

Now commit the changes to your Jenkinsfile and get Jenkins to re-run, I use the Scan Multibranch Pipeline Now button inside the job.

Build Error

When it runs you may have a build error that reads like the following:

org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: Scripts not permitted to use method groovy.lang.GroovyObject invokeMethod

To resolve this go to  Manage Jenkins => In-process Script Approval and approve the script.

Approval Button

Approval Button

Try it again.

and see it....

Still Fail

Still Fail

ok so mine is still erroring out because I have too many Scratch Orgs already.


ok, at this point you may be wondering how many posts I can drag this out.   Shall we find out?  Let me know by leaving a comment below, emailing [email protected] or following and yelling at me on Twitter/BrettMN.
