Salesforce Mobile SDK 6.0.0 Consolidated Release Notes

Salesforce Mobile SDK 6.0.0 Consolidated Release Notes

Brett M. Nelson - Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A little while ago there was a new release for the Salesforce Mobile SDK and I thought it would be easier to have one place to see the changes rather than having to look in the different repositories.  So here's a combined list of changes Salesforce Mobile SDK 6.0.0

Android and iOS

Library Upgrades

We've updated React Native to version 0.50.4.

Login Enhancements

SmartStore Enhancements

SmartSync Enhancements

Mobile SDK Developer Tools

Other Technical Improvements


OS Version Support

IDE Support

Library Upgrades

Login Enhancements

Mobile SDK Developer Tools

Forcedroid Changes


OS Version Support

IDE Support

Library Upgrades

We've updated Cordova to version 4.5.4.

Mobile SDK Developer Tools

SDK Manager Classes

Other Technical Improvements


Forceios Changes


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