Using ForceJS with Vue.js - Part II - First Call

Using ForceJS with Vue.js - Part II - First Call

Brett M. Nelson - Wednesday, March 15, 2017

We've set up our Vue.js app and included ForceJS while serving it thorugh ForceSever, now lets make a query to get contacts from our org.

Make the Call

We are going to start by using the sample code from the ForceJS ECMAScript 5 Usage example and getting it to work with our little app.

To do that we will need to add a methods property to out app. For now lets add one method, I named mine load and put the example code in teh function.

While we are changing our app lets also add a contacts array to our data.

Updated app

var app = new Vue({ el: '#main', data: { header: '', subHeader: 'Contact List!', contacts: [] }, methods: { load: function () { app.contacts = []

  var oauth = force.OAuth.createInstance()
  oauth.login().then(function (oauthResult) {


  function loadContacts () {
    var service = force.DataService.getInstance()
    service.query('select id, Name from contact LIMIT 50')
      .then(function (response) {
        app.contacts = response.records

} })

  1. In the load method you can see the first thing I do is assign an empty array to app.contacts just because I like to see the screen empty on each call of the method.
  2. The loadContacts is called in the promise fulfillment of the oath.login() so that the service will have been created.
  3. In loadContacts we assign the response.records to the app.contacts so they will be available in the view model.

All this is great but we can't call it without using the console.

Try it. In your browser console enter app.load() and you should be prompted to login to Salesforce.

app.load() With No UI

app.load() With No UI

If it's your first time you will be asked to provide your credentials. I have already logged in so I just need to authorize the app. The same thing happened in the data of the app but if you didn't notice that yet, I am not going to be the one to point it out :P

Lets Add a Button

In our index.html lets add a button that bound to load() on click. Since we are in there lets also add a list to display our contacts.

We will add this bellow the

with our header but above all our scripts.

Updated index.html

  • Id:


In case you are paying super-duper close attention, I modified the previous to be a and ``

It Works!

It Works!

Some Flaws

Of course this does work but we should probably avoid putting all our logic in what might be considered the button click handler. Also if you press the Load button a second time it ask for permissions again, organizing our code for reuse will help prevent this.


We now know we can get our information out of using ForceJS and display it in out Vue.js app. Next time we should organize out code a little better for reuse and enhance the user experience, unless there is something you would like to see first? Let me know by leaving a comment below or emailing [email protected].
