Visualforce and Angular - Pre-Fetching Route Data

Visualforce and Angular - Pre-Fetching Route Data

Brett M. Nelson - Wednesday, May 10, 2017

With the routing we have we should get some real data to show on our contact-details view. We will do that by loading the contact information after the routeLink is clicked.

Important Note: To get the routing to work from last time the <base href="/"/> tag in the head need to be updated. Using the apex $page helper you can get the proper url to use as the base. For example if you page is named TryAngular you would use the $page.TryAngular to get the proper url, like so <base href="{! $page.TryAngular }"/>

Get Data

Before we can display the data we will need to get it from Salesforce. Let's update our remote-actions.service.ts by adding a getContact method that takes and id, and returnes a Promise. In the Promise we will passes the id in the parameters array and we will call TryAngularController.GetContact so don't forget to have that as the first parameter in call to callRemote.

New getContact Method

getContact(id: string) : Promise<{Id: string, Name:string, Email:string}> { console.log('getContact called');

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.callRemote('TryAngularController.GetContact', [id], resolve, reject); }) }

Of course we can't get the data if we don't actually call getContact so let's do that in contact-details.component.ts's onNgInit method. This way it will load the data when the view loads.

To do that we will need to import the RemoteActionsService from ../services/remote-actions.service, pass the service in to the constructor, and add some properties to the class to store the results.

The updated ContactDetailsComponent class should look something like this:

Updated ContactDetailsComponent Class

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';

import { RemoteActionsService } from '../services/remote-actions.service';

@Component({ selector: 'app-contact-details', templateUrl: './contact-details.component.html', styleUrls: ['./contact-details.component.css'] }) export class ContactDetailsComponent implements OnInit {

private id :string; private name :string; private email :string;

constructor( private service: RemoteActionsService, private route: ActivatedRoute ) { }

ngOnInit() { console.log('ContactDetailsComponent.ngOnInit')

const id = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');

  .then(results => { = results.Id; = results.Name; = results.Email;

} }

Now we just need a view to display it in.

We will update the view to make use of the data we just exposed and add a button to navigate back to the list of contacts. All in all it should look something similar to this:

Update contact-details.component.html

But what does it look like?

Routing with live Salesforce Data

Routing with live Salesforce Data


Now we have routes, and prefetching data when a route is activated. What should we add next? Let me know by leaving a comment below or emailing [email protected].
