
Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic - Create Object Part I

Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic - Create Object Part I

Brett M. Nelson - Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Since we worked through our issue with updating a contact we should try to add a new one.  To do this we are going to repurpose our edit-contact component so that is can also create a contact. Upda...
Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic - Troubleshooting Last Step

Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic - Troubleshooting Last Step

Brett M. Nelson - Monday, August 7, 2017

In the process of trouble shooting our issue with saving changes to contacts we have looked at it on Android and on iOS.  We have one more thing to check before we start, but first a recap. Recap W...

Around the Web – 20170804

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, August 4, 2017

And now for somethings to read over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is. Google Has Quietly Dropped Ban on Personally Identifiable Web Tracking When Google bought the advertising netwo...
SF DG MN - Salesforce DX

SF DG MN - Salesforce DX

Brett M. Nelson - Thursday, August 3, 2017

I have/had the honor of presenting at the Minnesota Salesforce Developer Group in Salesforce DX. More info about the meeting can be found at Salesforce DX and developing with security in mind. It w...
Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic – Debugging iOS

Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic – Debugging iOS

Brett M. Nelson - Wednesday, August 2, 2017

We now know how to access the Web Inspector so we can debug iOS.  Let's take a further look at our problem and see if it behaves the same as it did on Android Debug iOS With the Web Inspector open ...
Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic – Accessing Web Inspector For iOS

Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic – Accessing Web Inspector For iOS

Brett M. Nelson - Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Since we managed to get our app running on iOS last time lets see what it takes to access the Web Inspector. Web Inspector If you are wondering what Web Inspector is it's the development debug tool...
Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic - Adding ios Platform

Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic - Adding ios Platform

Brett M. Nelson - Monday, July 31, 2017

Since we are having problems with our app on Android but have verified that our logic works using a proxy server we should try it on the other mobile platform to see if it behaves the same.  That m...

Around the Web – 20170728

Brett M. Nelson - Friday, July 28, 2017

And now for somethings to read over the weekend, if you have some spare time that is. Not Hotdog - Salesforce Einstein Edition Anyone who is a fan of HBO's Silicon Valley show will be familiar with...
Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic – Debugging Part II

Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic – Debugging Part II

Brett M. Nelson - Thursday, July 27, 2017

Since we figured out how to access the debugger for Android apps let's take a look and see where our issue is. The Issue When we same an edit to a contact it does not save but it does not cause an ...
Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic - Debugging Part I

Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic - Debugging Part I

Brett M. Nelson - Wednesday, July 26, 2017

When last we left our intrepid little Contacts App it couldn't edit a Contact.  Lets take a look at what is happening and see if we can figure out how to resolve it. Keep in mind we are only doing...
Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic – Edit Contact Part III

Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic – Edit Contact Part III

Brett M. Nelson - Tuesday, July 25, 2017

We've completed the EditContactPage component.  Now we should add a way to open it in a modal from the ContactDetailsPage component. Update ContactDetailsPage Component In the ContactDetailsPage co...
Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic – Edit Contact Part II

Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic – Edit Contact Part II

Brett M. Nelson - Monday, July 24, 2017

Previously we updated our ContactServiceProvider to  have an updateContact method.  Created our contactEdit page and worked out the contact-edit.html.  Now we need to update the logic for the conta...